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My motto has always been “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten”. For years I have tried to remember this whenever the “status quo” or “going along to get along” are no longer acceptable. Our country is nearly to the point of moral and financial collapse, children are more in danger of sexual predators than ever before, criminal behavior has become acceptable, leaders are bankrupting our country, and we are in fear of terrorism because our borders are no longer our own. Even our small local governments are corrupt and financially irresponsible. I joined the Republican Party of Juneau County to help in the fight against what I fear is the complete undoing of everything I believe in. As Secretary, I try to do something every day to awaken just one person within my reach to see the freedoms that are slowly being taken away, the dangers that exist for our children and the corruption of our leaders. Follow our Facebook Page, ‘Republican Party of Juneau County’ for daily posts and ways you can participate. It should not matter what side of the political aisle you are on, the teaching of division and hate, the sexualization of young children, the suppression of free speech and the lack of responsible spending on every level of our government should alarm you. Don’t be afraid to boldly stand up for what you believe in and, if necessary, against those who want to silence you. SAY SOMETHING! GETINVOLVED! Teach your children morals, kindness, the sanctity of life and the love for freedom, their God and their country. Run for a local office in your school, county, city, town or village. VOTE FOR CHANGE! If not you, WHO and if not now, WHEN??

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