The name of this organization shall be “The Republican Party of Juneau County”.
The purpose of this organization shall be to correlate and unify under one central organization the activities of the Republican Party of Juneau County, and to advance in every honorable way fundamental Republican principles and policies and as a voluntary organization cooperate and assist in all county, state and national elections, to the end that our republican form of government as created under the Constitution of the United States and the State of Wisconsin be preserved for all of the people.
As a constituent part of the Republican State Voluntary Organization this organization shall direct, manage, supervise and control the business, property and funds of the Republican Party of Juneau County.
Membership in this organization shall be open to all Juneau County citizens of voting age who believe in the above objectives, purposes and principles of the Republican Party.
Qualified and voting members of this organization shall be:
Those Republicans in good standing who have been recorded by the Secretary of this organization for at least ten (10) days prior to any meeting or caucus.
Members of the Young Republican Federation of Juneau County in good standing and so certified to the Secretary of this organization for at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting or caucus.
Members of the Federation of Women’s Republican Club of Juneau County in good standing and so certified to the Secretary of this Organization for at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting or caucus.
SECTION ONE: The officers of this organization shall consist of a chairman, and a first vice chairman, one of whom shall be a woman; a secretary and a treasurer; and such other officers as shall be provided for in the By-Laws.
SECTION TWO: The Executive Committee shall consist of the elective officers; the chairman of the Statutory Committee, who shall be an ex-officio Vice Chairman and the Chairman of the Finance Committee. In addition, thereto, there shall be at least five (5) members elected to the committee from the membership at large to represent all sections of the county.
SECTION THREE: All officers shall serve without compensation and the county chairman may with the approval of the Executive Committee appoint such full or part-time officers-employees who may be paid such compensation as the Chairman and Executive Committee may determine.
SECTION FOUR: Duties of Officers: The Chairman shall preside at all meetings or caucuses of the Party and of the Executive Committee, and shall have general supervision of the work of the organization. The Vice Chairman in the absence of the Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman. The secretary shall keep and read the minutes of all meetings or caucuses and shall be the custodian of all records of the Party. He shall promptly issue membership cards to all qualifying members. The Treasurer shall receive and be custodian of all funds of the Party and shall pay all bills. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies received and disbursed and shall report in full as required by the Chairman. The Chairman and the Secretary shall file all proper reports as required by law.
SECTION FIVE: Duties of the Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall have authority to transact any necessary business between meetings or caucuses; to make recommendations as to the policies of the Party; to advise the Chairman and to fill vacancies that occur between elections and to complete slates of delegates and alternates to the State Convention or District Caucuses and such other duties as may be prescribed under the By-Laws.
SECTION SIX: The term of office for the officers and Executive Committee shall be two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified.
SECTION SEVEN: All officers and elective members of the Executive Committee shall be elected in a duly constituted county caucus or meeting prior to May 1st in the odd-numbered years.
SECTION ONE: Meetings or caucuses shall be held upon proper notice, at the call of the Chairman or at the direction of the Executive Committee or upon petition of twenty-five (25) members in good standing. Such petition to state the exact purpose of the meeting or caucus.
SECTION TWO: A regular county meeting or caucus shall be held prior to May 1st of each year at which time delegates and alternates shall be elected to attend the district caucus and the state convention, and for the election of officers in the odd-numbered years.
SECTION THREE: The Executive Committee shall hold meetings at such times as are determined by the Executive Committee.
SECTION FOUR: Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chairman or by written request of five members of the Executive Committee and upon notice to all members.
SECTION FIVE: A county meeting or caucus shall be one called and advertised at least once in one weekly or daily paper in the county at least three days prior to said meeting. The Chairman may mail a notice to all members and shall do so upon request of five (5) members of the Executive Committee or upon written petition of any ten (10) members of the county organization. The Chairman shall give similar notice to delegates and alternates of district caucuses and state conventions.
SECTION SIX: Voting by proxy shall be prohibited at any regular or special county meeting or caucus.
SECTION ONE: A nominating committee of not less than three members shall be appointed by the Chairman prior to each election. This committee shall report one nominee for each office at the caucus called for such election after which nominations from the floor shall be allowed.
SECTION TWO: A nominating committee of not less than three members shall be appointed by the Chairman for the purpose of nominating delegates and alternates to attend each state convention and district caucus after which nominations may be made from the floor.
SECTION THREE: Where there is only one candidate for an office, election may be by voice.
SECTION FOUR: Where more than one candidate is nominated for an office, election will be held by written ballot. A majority of the votes cast shall elect.
SECTION ONE: All recommendations for appointments shall be made by the Chairman, with the approval of a majority of the Executive Committee.
SECTION ONE: A quorum for a meeting or caucus of this organization shall be a number equal to twenty-five (25) percent of the number of authorized delegates of Juneau County to the last preceding state convention, and in no instance, less than ten (10) members.
SECTION TWO: A quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of the Executive Committee.
SECTION ONE: “Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised” shall govern all proceedings except where inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of this organization.
SECTION ONE: By-Laws may be adopted in compliance with this Constitution by a majority vote at any duly called county meeting or caucus.
SECTION ONE: In the event of any conflict or ambiguity of this Constitution or By-Laws adopted hereunder, the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin shall prevail.
SECTION ONE: Amendments to this Constitution may be made by a two-thirds vote at any regular or special meeting or caucus of this organization where the call and notice states such purpose subject to the approval of the State Executive Committee.