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The 2nd Amendment offers protection of our rights whether you are a sportsman or a citizen desiring to protect yourself or your family.

When the government has the ability to forbid gun ownership it has the ability to render groups it dislikes helpless to defend themselves, regardless of whether modern gun control accomplishes its purpose of reducing crime and for the record there is no evidence it does.

Founding father James Madison (Federalist 46 – State vs Federal power) contrasts the 2nd Amendment against the tyrannical governments of Europe who were afraid to trust the people with arms.

Joseph Story (Supreme County Justice 1812-1845) Who is considered the most renowned constitutional scholar in American history in his commentaries of the constitution in 1833 quotes the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of liberties of a republic since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers and will generally even if these were successful in the first instance enable the people to resist and triumph over them. We have a 2nd Amendment because we understand in this country that there are some things, inalienable rights, that you cannot justly take away from a free and equal human being. Tyrants disarm the people they intend to oppress. These are the facts.

Jewish people in Germany were prohibited from owning arms. 13 million Jews were exterminated by the Nazis.

The Soviets instituted gun control and millions were killed. 20 million dissidents were rounded up and exterminated.

Mao disarmed the Chinese people. 20 million dissidents were exterminated.

In Cambodia the Khmer Rouge were able to take advantage of the fact that limited gun ownership to just hunters and killed 1.5-3 million dissidents.

Turkey disarmed Armenians and 1.5 million Armenians were killed in the Armenian genocide.

The American south disarmed slaves and actively fought against their arming and then in the 20th Century armed black Army veterans in Louisiana who were then able to defend themselves against the KKK.

Even fact checking organizations Snopes said “we find it reasonable to conclude that gun confiscations facilitated by laws requiring the registration and licensing of firearms played a crucial role in carrying out of 20th century genocides”

This is not fiction, this is in our lifetime, this is in our grandparents’ lifetime, this is in our recent history, this is why the 2nd Amendment matters. It’s not trivial, it’s not something you just brush aside. This is a foundation of liberty. It’s who we are.

Americans are getting increasingly concerned with the increase of gun control efforts taking place throughout the country. Semi-automatic ban legislation in play and what recently happened in IL are but a few examples. A few facts regarding these bans should raise the eyebrow of every red blooded American regardless of political bias. The AR 15 ban in IL bans the most popular sporting rifle in the US. The semi-automatic ban represents 50%-75% of handguns and rifles owned in American households. Although not as direct as Canada’s recent legislation to make illegal all handgun sales as well thousands of rifles including popular sporting rifles, it isn’t far from it.

Federal & State governments have a history of and continue to strive to strip away our 2nd Amendment rights.

We live in a time and place where politicians are striving to defund police and in our case here in WI prohibiting our state legislatures from disincentivizing municipalities from doing so thanks to Gov Evers veto 2021, the same Gov Evers who gave stand down orders to the national guard to do nothing at the “mostly peaceful protests” in Kenosha with exception to property owned by the government all the while allowing local business owned properties to get vandalized and burned to the ground. We currently have laws in place in Juneau County that would make a felon or criminal out of law-abiding citizens who carry a gun on school and government owned property. Uvalde, TX residents were denied approval from the Chief of Police to enter school grounds and engage the active shooter at their kids’ school under threat of felony arrest through these same laws that if were not in place would not have dissuaded these parents from potentially saving lives. There are numerous examples of school shootings wherein children’s lives would have been spared from slaughter if teachers and citizens would have been allowed to be armed.

The fact that politicians will not have the conversation about mental health but instead are perpetuating the propaganda that inanimate objects are somehow to blame for gun related deaths tells you everything you need to know about the politician's desire and commitment to the safety of the nation and their children. 

Submitted by Eric Ford   

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